Water Filtration
Water Filtration

Water Filtration for New Construction
In the New River Valley
Collier Services Makes Drinking Water as Healthy as It Can Be
Install water filtration for new construction in the New River Valley, with Collier Services in Radford, VA. The best water quality is a high priority, and we want to help with water filtration. Collier Services offers custom water filtration systems to solve unique water problems.
Some of the water issues that we can correct are taste or odor, hardness and PH balance. Water filtration can provide better tasting and smelling drinking water by removing chlorine, pesticides, heavy metals, and bacterial contaminants. Contact Collier Services today at (540) 380-8486 to hear how they can help you keep your family healthy with water filtration services.

Strain Impurities from Water Sources with the Right Water Filtration
Acid Neutralizing Filter
Acidic water can be harmfully corrosive to your entire plumbing system. This condition can often be treated with a single acid-neutralizing filter. Metered units monitor and self-adjust regeneration cycles based on household trend of water consumption.
This flexible backwashing filter is used to treat a multitude of water problems, based on the media used.
Filter Z – Particle Removal
This high quality, granular zeolite media is produced from a unique mineral deposit that has high-surface area and porosity, making this media preferred over conventional sand. The surface of this media features microscopic minerals that allow particulate matter to penetrate deeply into the bed.
Carbon – Taste and Odor
Chlorine and sulfur odors can often be removed by using a carbon filter unit. However, when odors are extreme, your water treatment professional may recommend a pre-chlorination system to help increase the life of a carbon unit. In such installations, this series of filters will effectively remove taste and odor associated with chlorine and sulfur.

Collier Services Installs Treatment Units, Filters, and More
Chemicals and toxins can enter the body in several different ways. A main culprit is through municipal drinking water. The best way to ensure quality water is to install the right treatment units, filters, and more for top results.
A ‘whole-house’ filtration system will address water used for drinking, showering, cooking, cleaning dishes, and laundry. The benefits of a complete water filtration system are:
– Clean, filtered water emerges from every water source
– Healthier showers and baths
– Extended life of water using appliances and pipes
– Softened water with scale-free showers and spotless glasses
– Healthier skin and hair, free of contaminants
To schedule, contact Collier Services today, serving new construction projects in the New River Valley with water filtration.